8 Reasons to Incorporate Virtual Instructor-Led Training in Your Online Training
What Is Virtual Instructor-Led Training (ILT) ?
Virtual Instructor-Led Training (ILT) is an educational method that is facilitated by a live instructor. The instructor leads participants through the online training course typically with interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and breakout sessions. Virtual ILT courses use audio and video conference technology to allow the instructor to interact with learners in real time: answering questions, providing feedback, and ensuring that the learners’ educational goals are being met. Likewise, learners also have the ability to communicate with each other and the instructor, as the course progresses.
Why ILT And Online Training are the Ultimate eLearning Duo
ILT and online training are an ideal combination for eLearning because they offer the best of both worlds. ILT (Instructor-Led Training) provides students with the opportunity to learn in a traditional classroom setting, with a live instructor and direct interaction with other students. Online training, on the other hand, provides the convenience and flexibility of learning at one’s own pace through web-based courses, videos, and interactive media. The combination of ILT and online training allows students to learn in a manner that is tailored to their individual needs, allowing them to choose when, where, and how they want to learn. This combination also allows for a more comprehensive approach to learning, where students can learn through both traditional and modern methods. With ILT and online training, eLearning can become a powerful tool for learning, helping students to reach their full potential.
By combining these two training approaches, you can unlock a variety of new benefits that will improve your online training experience. These benefits include:
1. Increased Flexibility: Combining ILT with online training offers learners increased flexibility to access training materials when and where they need them. With ILT, learners are able to attend instructor-led sessions at a physical location and online training allows them access to materials from any location with an internet connection. This flexibility allows learners to work around their own schedules and geographical constraints to access the training materials and complete the program.
2. Cost Efficiency: Cost efficiency is one of the major advantages of combining ILT and online training. Using a blended approach to training can help to reduce the costs associated with traditional ILT, such as travel expenses and instructor fees. By utilizing the online component, businesses can also save money on materials, while still providing quality training. Additionally, businesses can scale their training programs to meet the needs of their individual learners, which can help to further reduce costs.
3. Improved Knowledge Retention: ILT and online training can help to improve knowledge retention by allowing learners to gain knowledge from both the online and instructor-led sessions. By learning in two different ways, learners can reinforce the material they have learned and have multiple opportunities to review the information. This can help them to better remember what they have learned and retain it for a longer period of time. Additionally, research has shown that blended learning yields higher retention rates than either ILT or online training alone.
4. Enhanced Learner Engagement: The combination of Instructor-Led training and online training can provide learners with more engaging content, which can help to keep them motivated and interested. For example, ILT can involve activities such as role-play, group discussions, and other interactive activities, which can help to engage learners and encourage them to learn. Additionally, online training can provide learners with multimedia content such as videos, podcasts, and simulations, which can also help to engage learners and make the learning experience more enjoyable.
5. Increased Interactivity: Learners have the opportunity to interact with both instructors and peers, which can create a more stimulating learning experience. This means that learners can ask questions and engage with their instructors and peers during training. This helps to create a more engaging learning environment and can result in learners retaining more information and having a more successful learning experience.
6. Increased Reach: The reach of your online training program will be increased, allowing more people to access the materials and benefit from the program. ILT can be used to deliver training to a large number of people in a relatively short amount of time, while online training can be used to reach people in remote locations, who may not be able to attend traditional in person ILT sessions. Additionally, online training can be accessed from multiple devices, meaning learners can access the training material from any location at any time, providing greater flexibility and convenience.
7. Learning Style Adaptability: By combining ILT and online training, organizations have the ability to customize the learning experience to meet the specific needs and preferences of their learner base. This means that instructors and trainers can adapt their delivery methods to accommodate different learning styles, such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. This can also mean that instructors can make use of a variety of media, such as videos, audio recordings, and interactive activities, to make sure that the learning experience is engaging and effective for all learners.
8. Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Detailed reporting and analytics of training outcomes and effectiveness, provides valuable insights into the success of the training program. Organizations can use this data to identify areas for improvement and further customize the online training to meet the needs of the learners. Additionally, this information can be used to measure the impact of training investments and inform decisions about future training initiatives. It will help ensure that training initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of the learners and are providing the most value for the organization.
The combination of ILT and online training is a powerful tool that can help learners reach their full potential. By leveraging the advantages of both delivery methods, learners can benefit from both the hands-on experience of ILT and the convenience and flexibility of online training. This combination offers an effective and efficient way to provide learners with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
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