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​​How to Convert Your In-Person Employee Training to Virtual Training

By Alicia Beharry
Published on January 11, 2024

As the world rapidly moves towards a more remote working environment, virtual training has become the new norm. Whether you’re a business owner looking to train your employees remotely or an educator searching for innovative ways to deliver lessons to your students, the process of converting in-person employee training to virtual can be overwhelming. However, with careful planning and the right approach, you can create an engaging and interactive virtual training experience that is just as effective, if not more so, than traditional face-to-face sessions. In this blog, we will dive into seven essential steps needed to successfully convert your in-person employee training to virtual training, empowering you to adapt and thrive in this technologically advanced era.

1. Assess your employee training content: Start by reviewing your existing training materials and identifying any content that may need to be adapted or modified for virtual delivery. Consider whether certain activities or exercises will still be effective in a virtual setting, and think about how to break down your content into smaller, more digestible chunks that can be delivered in a virtual classroom.

2. Choose the right platform: Explore different LMS platforms and tools to find one that best suits your needs. Look for features like reporting & analytics, gamification, content authoring tools, and white-boarding to facilitate engagement and collaboration. Make sure the platform is easy to use and accessible to all participants.

3. Adapt your delivery style: In-person training often relies on non-verbal cues and physical presence to engage participants. When transitioning to virtual training, it’s important to adapt your delivery style to ensure participants stay engaged. Use more infographics, visual aids, and interactive polls to keep the session lively. Incorporate opportunities for participants to ask questions, share their thoughts, and participate in discussions.

4. Test and troubleshoot: Before conducting your virtual training, conduct tests and troubleshooting sessions to ensure everything runs smoothly. Familiarize yourself with the virtual training platform and practice delivering your content to get comfortable with the technology. Test audio and video quality to ensure clear communication, and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise.

5. Engage participants: Virtual training can sometimes feel disconnected or passive for participants, so it’s crucial to find ways to keep them engaged. Use interactive activities, quizzes, and breakout rooms to encourage participation and collaboration. Incorporate real-life examples, case studies, and hands-on exercises that allow participants to apply what they’ve learned. Consider using gamification techniques or incorporating group projects to foster employee engagement and create a sense of community among participants.

6. Provide ongoing support: Transitioning from in-person to virtual training may require employees to adjust to a new learning environment. Provide ongoing support by offering additional resources, such as video tutorials, job aids, or a forum where participants can ask questions and share experiences. Encourage participants to provide feedback on the virtual training experience to continuously improve and refine your delivery methods.

7. Evaluate and make improvements: Once the virtual training is complete, gather feedback from participants to evaluate its effectiveness. Use surveys or assessments to gather feedback on the content, delivery, and overall experience. Analyze the feedback and make necessary improvements to enhance future virtual training sessions. Continuously adapt and refine your virtual training approach based on participant feedback and emerging best practices in the field.

Converting your in-person employee training to virtual training requires careful planning and execution. With the right tools and strategies, you can create engaging and effective virtual training experiences that meet the needs of your employees. SkyPrep LMS offers a user-friendly interface, interactive features, and robust reporting capabilities that can support your virtual training efforts. By utilizing these steps and leveraging a reliable platform like SkyPrep, you can ensure a seamless transition to virtual training and continue to deliver valuable learning experiences to your participants.

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