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7 Tips for an Effective Employee Onboarding Program

By Alicia Behar
Published on June 29, 2022

Onboarding is the first step in the journey a new hire is taken on when they have just joined the company. This is a point in time where setting your new employee up for success is very crucial and should be done in a thorough and tactful manner. Even though there will be much ground to cover, your new employee should enjoy this process and not feel overwhelmed in their first few days with your organization. Here are some tips on how you can develop a strong framework for your employee onboarding program, tailor content to an individual’s roles and skills, while simultaneously making it a fun and engaging experience.  

1. Be Clear On Roles And Responsibilities

Document and clearly define your newly hired employees responsibilities and what they will be accountable for. This should include checklists, if necessary. It is very important that this is easy to understand and comprehend.

2. Set Realistic Expectations And Timelines

Your new hire will be getting acquainted with their new role. They will need to find their own personal groove when it comes to their day to day tasks. Informing employees on their own specific tasks is more engaging and will help keep them grounded and confident in their new role.

3. Key Tasks Should Be Prioritized

It is not unlikely to overlook a minor task and for things to sometimes slip through the cracks. It can happen to anyone. Fortunately, there is always a way to pick up where you left off. Instill in your new hires how to work backward and always check what the main priority is, and what was missed before moving on to a new project. 

4. Ensure Content Is Highly Relevant

The information your employee absorbs on day one should be very different from what they are consuming on day 60. Providing new employees with informative content that applies to their timeline within your organization will go a long way in regards to job productivity, knowledge enhancement and your business’s overall success.

5. Microlearning Makes It Easy

On a daily basis in today’s day and age, the average person consumes an overload of information. A training program that is too content-heavy will make employee onboarding challenging and your new hires are bound to feel lost in a world of information. To help eliminate this feeling and ensure training content is being successfully absorbed, try presenting your employee training modules in a more easily digestible format such as microlearning

6. Track Progress And Gain Insight

It is key to look at reports and analyze data. This way you will be able to assess learning trends and patterns. Your learning management system should provide you with all the tools you require in order to track learning assessment scores, attendance, performance profiles etc. while giving you insight on any improvements your employees could benefit from within your training program.

7. Utilize Gamification

Incorporating gamification elements will create a fun and engaging learning experience for new and existing employees. Gamification creates healthy competition for your employees and helps keep them motivated to learn and move on to the next level in completing their training. Employees are awarded points and badges for completing tasks and activities. Gamification helps elevate and maximize the eLearning experience.

A good onboarding experience impacts how long an employee stays with your organization. SkyPrep can assist you in onboarding your new employees seamlessly and efficiently. To learn more about employee onboarding, request a call and one of our product specialists will be in touch with you shortly.

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