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6 eLearning Course Creation Basics to Know

By Alicia Behar
Published on April 29, 2022

Here are some eLearning course creation basics to keep in mind, to ensure you get the maximum amount of return on your online training programs.

1. Know The Audience You Are Catering To

Is your online course meant for beginners in the field or learners looking to up-skill and further their knowledge and credentials? Your course should be designed to cater to your target audience. Knowing your audience will help you determine what information your learners really need and want to learn more about. Taking the time to know your audience will help you create content that successfully aligns and supports their learning goals.

2. Incorporate Microlearning Techniques

When content does not seem overwhelming and super time consuming, it tends to manifest a more positive attitude for your learners, towards your online training course. When putting together the framework for new online training modules or updating your existing eLearning content, ask yourself: How can I break this larger topic down into more digestible chunks for my learners? And which will be the best one for me to begin with? Your eLearning topics should be structured in a way that reflects the level of knowledge your learners are currently at, whether they are on a beginner level or more advanced. If you are still unsure about how to tailor your online courses and break content into micro topics, The Principles of Microlearning is a good guide to help you get started.

3. Create Realistic Learning Objectives

It is very important to include course objectives. If your learners are investing their time into your online course, they want to know what they will get out of it, and what takeaways they can expect. Your course objectives must address what they will be learning and why. The knowledge you are delivering in your content should match the key learning outcomes that are expected.

4. Gamify eLearning Activities

Gamification is a learning strategy that enhances eLearning experiences, increases engagement and aids in knowledge retention. Gamifying learning activities, especially when it comes to complex content, can be extremely helpful. It creates a sense of excitement and healthy competition amongst your learners, while they get through topics that could potentially be challenging. Gamification is also a great way to provide motivation for your learners as they will be able to interact and learn through their peers.

5. Let Learners Navigate Freely

Most individuals typically like having control over their learning sessions. The freedom of being able to self-direct their learning or training helps put their mind at ease, especially while they are busy balancing their schedules. Enrollees should be able to learn at their own pace, and visit a particular topic as many times as needed. Using an LMS, learners will be able to jump to topics that are most relevant to them at the moment and access resources that are needed to sustain their knowledge. Within your learning management system, mandatory courses can also be adjusted to suit different groups of learners, without compromising your training standards. 

6. Include Golden Nuggets In Your Feedback

Today’s learner is definitely savvy. They value and enjoy receiving helpful tips, tricks and learning new ways of doing things- especially if it will help make their lives easier. When giving feedback in your online course modules, instead of simply stating the correct answer or retelling it, let them know why. Always try to include “golden nuggets” of information. This will formulate a better understanding of the topic or content they are receiving feedback on. Additionally, their knowledge will be heightened by offering them different reasonings and perspectives.

Keep these course creation methods in mind, as they will enable you to successfully reach your target audience and increase course completion rates. If you would like to learn more about creating an online course for a specific audience or industry, request a call and one of our product specialists will be in touch with you shortly.

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