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7 Approaches for Infusing a Personal Element into Virtual Learning

By Alicia Beharry
Published on November 10, 2023

As virtual learning continues to be the predominant mode of online learning and training , many course facilitators are grappling with how to maintain personal connections with their learners. While remote training presents its own set of challenges, infusing a personal element into the virtual classroom is not only possible but essential for fostering meaningful engagement and promoting online learning success. By implementing various strategies and approaches, educators can create a sense of connection and individualization, ensuring that learners feel valued and supported despite the online delivery of course material. This article will explore seven approaches for infusing a personal element into virtual learning, enabling instructors to create a more personalized and interactive eLearning journey for all participants.

1. Incorporate live video interaction: Virtual learning can be more humanized by incorporating live video interaction between students and teachers. This can be done through platform integrations like Zoom or Skype, where everyone can see and hear each other in real-time. This allows for natural conversations, facial expressions, and body language, making the online learning experience more personal and engaging.

2. Encourage small group discussions: To foster a sense of community and collaboration, virtual learning can include small group discussions. Instructors can create breakout rooms or online discussion forums where learners can interact with their peers in a smaller and more intimate setting. This approach encourages learners to share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in deeper conversations, simulating the dynamics of a traditional classroom.

3. Provide regular feedback and one-on-one sessions: To humanize virtual learning, it’s important to provide regular feedback to learners. Instructors can offer individualized feedback on assignments, assessments, or participation, highlighting specific strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, one-on-one sessions can be scheduled between instructors and learners. These sessions can be used to address any concerns or questions, provide mentorship, or simply have a personal conversation, creating a more personalized and empathetic learning environment.

4. Incorporate storytelling and real-life examples: Stories and real-life examples have a powerful impact on engagement and understanding. Virtual learning can be humanized by incorporating storytelling into online training modules. Instructors can share personal anecdotes or case studies that relate to the topic being taught. By connecting abstract concepts to real-life experiences, learners can better relate to the subject matter and develop a deeper understanding.

5. Infuse emotional intelligence activities: Emotional intelligence activities can play a vital role in humanizing virtual learning. Instructors can incorporate exercises that promote self-awareness, empathy, and positive communication. Virtual classrooms can include mindfulness exercises, icebreakers, or group activities aimed at fostering emotional intelligence. These activities not only enhance personal connections but also contribute to the overall well-being of learners.

6. Implement collaborative projects: Virtual learning can be humanized by incorporating collaborative projects where learners work together towards a common goal. This can be facilitated through online platforms that allow learners to collaborate, brainstorm ideas, and divide tasks. By working together, learners can develop teamwork skills, build relationships, and feel a sense of belonging in the virtual classroom.

7. Celebrate achievements and milestones: Recognizing and celebrating learners achievements is crucial in infusing a personal element into virtual learning. Instructors can organize virtual ceremonies, award systems, or create virtual spaces to showcase learner work. By acknowledging and celebrating accomplishments, learners feel valued, motivated, and connected to their peers and instructors. This approach creates a sense of community and promotes a positive learning environment.

Virtual classrooms have become essential tools in the modern eLearning landscape. They offer numerous advantages such as flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences. As technology continues to advance, virtual learning will only become more sophisticated and immersive, enabling learners and educators to connect and engage in meaningful ways. Virtual learning has proven to be a valuable asset that has transformed education and will continue to shape the future of eLearning for generations to come.

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