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eLearning Analytics: 6 Types of Data to Track

By Alicia Beharry
Published on April 14, 2023

Organizations are increasingly turning towards powerful learning management systems (LMS) to efficiently support learning and development goals in the modern workplace. To maximize the value of these programs, it is essential that companies track the right eLearning analytics. Here, we explore the top six metrics to measure and the necessary steps to take to bring your employee training opportunities to the next level.

eLearning Analytics: What Is It?

eLearning analytics is an approach to understanding and optimizing the learning experience in the workplace. It involves collecting, analyzing, and reporting data about learners and their environment in order to assess the effectiveness of training and education programs. With this data-driven strategy, companies can better understand how their learning and training initiatives are performing and make adjustments as needed.

Utilizing data-driven insights from eLearning analytics can help organizations:

  • Identify learning needs and gaps: eLearning analytics enable organizations to identify which topics are being studied and where learners are having difficulty. This helps organizations to target learning activities and resources to the areas of greatest need. 
  • Measure learning outcomes: Organizations can measure the effectiveness of their eLearning programs and determine how well learners are retaining the material. 
  • Understand user engagement: eLearning analytics can provide insight into which courses are being used, the duration of time learners are spending on each activity, and the resources they are accessing. 
  • Improve online course design: By analyzing learner behavior and feedback, organizations can optimize their eLearning programs and enhance the learner experience. 
  • Track learner performance: eLearning analytics can help organizations keep track of learner performance and identify those who need additional support or those who may be struggling with the material.
  • Monitor progress: Organizations can monitor learner progress and identify potential areas of improvement in their eLearning programs.

6 eLearning Analytics to Track in Your LMS

Analytics generated by your learning management system can be a powerful tool for assessing, modifying, and enhancing the learning and training experiences of your employees. Not only does this lead to a more engaged and content workforce, but it can also help your business stay ahead of the competition by optimizing its processes.

The top six analytics to track in your LMS include:

1. User Engagement: User engagement is a measure of how often learners are accessing your LMS, how long they are spending on the platform, and how engaged they are with the content. To track user engagement, you can measure metrics such as the number of logins, the average time spent on the eLearning platform, and the number of courses completed.

2. Content Consumption: Track how much content learners are consuming by tracking the amount of time they spend accessing each course, the number of modules they complete, the number of activities they complete, and the number of learning resources they access within each course. Additionally, track the number of times learners revisit materials and the amount of time they spend engaging with the content. This will help you understand what content is most engaging for learners and which content may need to be revised or replaced.

3. Course Completion: Course completion is a measure of how successful learners are in completing courses and programs within the LMS. It is important to track course completion in order to understand how effective the content and learning experience is for learners. Course completion data can be used to identify areas of improvement, such as content that is too difficult or not engaging enough for learners. It can also be used to compare different courses and programs in order to determine which ones are more successful.

4. Course Performance: Course Performance analytics can involve tracking the scores they achieve on tests or quizzes, or analyzing their course progress over time. This data can be used to identify areas where learners are struggling and to provide targeted support and resources. It can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the course content and to identify areas for improvement.

5. Learner Retention: Learner retention is a measure of how successful an LMS is at engaging and retaining its users. It is typically measured by tracking the rate of learners who return to the LMS after completing a course or program. This metric is important because it indicates how well the LMS has been able to engage learners and keep them coming back for more. It can also be used to identify areas of improvement, such as offering more engaging content or increasing the number of courses available.

6. Learner Satisfaction: Learner satisfaction can be measured through collecting feedback from learners. This could include surveys and questionnaires, as well as reviews and ratings. Gathering this data gives key insights into how learners perceive the LMS and courses and allows you to identify areas of improvement. Itā€™s important to collect feedback from both new and experienced learners to get a full picture of their experience.

Now that we have covered the six key types of data to track, next you will need to build an eLearning analytics framework. To learn more about building an eLearning analytics framework, click here.

Using eLearning analytics can help organizations develop workplace skills such as critical thinking and communication. It can also provide evidence of the ROI of training, personalized feedback for learners and positively impact employee engagement and productivity. Additionally, this data can be used to improve the learning experience for future learners.

With SkyPrep’s powerful analytics, you can ensure your workplace learners are getting the most out of your learning management system. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about SkyPrep’s reporting and analytics features, request a demo today.

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