7 Mobile Apps Perfect for Business People in a Hurry
Some mobile apps are so impressive that everyone is talking and writing about them.
Human resources departments are putting in requisitions for mass purchases to ensure that all employees move with the times and share information freely and effectively.
But there are a few apps that never make it to superstar status, but in unique circumstances, there are amazing. There are the work-horse apps that people use almost without thinking, they have become such a part of the average workday.
Here are 7 of those apps that in the right place at the right time are just the most effective tools you can find to do a job that needs doing.
1. Schedule meetings using the Doodle app. By far the toughest part of bringing a group of busy people together to a meeting is finding a time and date that works on everyone’s crowded agenda. Doodle solves all that. The organizer suggests a time or two and everyone keeps going back and fourth until the closest thing to a perfect time for everyone is found. It is painless and persistent and works every time making it the ultimate meeting scheduling tool.
2. Capture all those great ideas on the white board with the Microsoft Office Lens app. How many times have you had a great brainstorming session in your workplace, with lots of great ideas captured on the white board, and then wanted your own personal copy of what you are looking at. The Android app Microsoft Office Lens allows you to capture all the notes and doodles easily. This app turns all your physical documents into digital ones when you are heading out on a business trip and don’t want to carry mountains of files. It is a great portable document scanner.
3. Speed up typing on your mobile device with Swype. The app Swype allows you to drag your finger from letter to letter when you are inputting text on a mobile device, which makes it worth downloading for that alone. But it packs a lot of other bells and whistles including Dragon Dictation, handwriting recognition and predictive text similar to that found in SwiftKey. It will make your typing on the run a lot easier.
4. Swiftkey as mentioned above, also helps people keeping notes on the go. It actually suggests what it thinks is the next work you want to type. It is amazingly accurate and allows you to just make one tap and get an entire slew of words. What makes it awesome is that it supports than 100 languages. It is also free.
5. MyFax is a $10 mobile app that lets you send and receive faxes without having to have a cumbersome fax machine or dedicated phone line. Does anyone really use faxes anymore? You would be surprised at many companies that still want to send and receive contracts that way. MyFax lets you send or receive faxes from the email candidate of your choice.
6. If you travel in harsh climates, you need Weather Underground. If negotiating around snow-packed roads or flooded areas are a reality in your work life, Weather Underground is a fabulous free app. It has highly useful weather information delivered in a readable, slick design. It reports weather conditions in your area and even compares weather data to show you how conditions are changing over a period of time. It has a number of great widgets that deliver what you need to know about weather right to your phone or tablet.
7. Never be at a loss for words again when you travel. Download the Google Translate mobile app for free and you will be able to communicate wherever you go in the world. Type in a bit of text or even an address, press the language you want it translated to, and then show the person you are trying to communicate with your message. Great for translating signs and directions as well or paragraphs of text.
Bonus: BoostHQ is perfect app for business people wanting to collaborate with their teams quickly and effectively. BoostHQ, available on web, mobile as well as Google Chrome, allows you to share links, files, videos and organizes everything into channels. You no longer have to spend all day trying to find content that was shared with you. No more scrolling through endless emails and text threads to retrieve a file shared. Everything in BoostHQ is indexed and easily searchable.
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