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Why Your Management Style Should be More Flexible

By Sep Barkhodaee
Published on December 8, 2014

management style


Leading Your Team Effectively with Flexibility

Your overall management style has a direct effect on your employees and their development. How you interact, communicate, and deal with workplace issues can go a long way to make sure that their development continues on the right track. The workplace today is much different that it was even a decade ago.


Technology has transformed the way in which we work and has created an innovative and flexible work environment that people feel more comfortable in. It’s your job to ensure that everything within your organization stays in a positive manner and your flexibility as a manager is the front line of defense for that.


Employees nowadays can perform their jobs either in or out of the office, but it’s important for you to keep the balance of shifting impacts with your management practices.


You still need to be able to control your employees, in or out of the office, with proper and effective techniques. This will keep your team focused when it comes to delivering quality results, and almost always, the solution to making this happen lies in effective leadership.


So, what are some ways to be flexible with your employees while improving the development of your infrastructure?


Enhance Your Communications

Communication is the most important key for any leader and how they’re able to portray what they want accomplished from their employees. This one function can help in several different areas.


Constant Communication Is the Key

As a leader it is important for your management style to develop an effective communication strategy. You may not be able to get everyone together all at once, so how you communicate your vision will help when it comes to everyone sharing it amongst themselves.


Explore Meaningful Communications Opportunities

You may not always have some of the traditional communication routines in place because of workplace flexibility and people working in and out of office. You may need to deal with employees on a one-on-one basis as opposed to a group meeting. This can be just as beneficial, and your employees may feel like you are giving them more personalized attention to matters, making them more likely to develop their own work skills in a more positive manner.


Use the Technology Available To You

Technology can keep everyone in the office connected simultaneously and you can personalize each individual communication, but this will at least keep everyone on the same page. Some of these efforts may include:

  • 1. Using mobile devices
  • 2. Using document sharing applications
  • 3. Using a shared digital calendar


Establish Routines and Look To the Future

Even though your management style and work environment may be flexible, you’ll still want to implement regular routines when it comes to team meetings and scheduled check-ins.  You can empower your employees to manage their own goals and even reward their excellence for doing so.

Keep your team on track and they will feel engaged and motivated to push forward, making their workplace the best that it can be.


Click the following link to learn more and find your management style.

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