Unique Recruiting Tactics That Will Attract Top Talent
The face of recruiting is changing – and firms that aren’t able to keep up with this transformation may be left in the dust when it comes to attracting skilled employees. Especially for those firms that seek creative staff members and forward-thinking millennials to fulfill positions that demand unique skills, it’s crucial to employ the most innovative recruiting tactics.
Standing out in the talent war demands embracing the latest technologies and increasing a company’s visibility across diverse platforms. Here are some strategies that can benefit any business.
This buzz-word has been gaining traction in recent years as companies utilize elearning software to keep employees engaged, but leveraging gaming concepts in work-related scenarios can also help employers to identify ideal hires in the recruiting process. HR Morning noted that this tactic can also build awareness among job seekers who may not have known about your company before. The news outlet explained that a virtual office tour is one way to give interested professionals a glimpse into the corporate culture and day-to-day office life.
In today’s highly visual society, job seekers have shorter attention spans, and infographics are a great way for a company to gain exposure. Plus, these graphics are ultra-shareable on social networks, meaning you can reach a wider audience. ERE.net suggested having a brainstorming session with team members about a particular topic that showcases the company’s priorities and expertise. The news source advised having designers include a company logo at the bottom of the graphic along with a “We’re hiring!” icon. Then post it on all social networks and pitch it to external sites and blogs.
Referral rewards
What better way to find new employees than through those who are already a core part of your culture? The key to attracting talent through existing staff is to offer them an incentive. You might offer gift cards, cash rewards, or covetable tech items, such as tablets and digital cameras, to encourage employees to refer others. Consider developing a staged system so that these staff members get smaller rewards when they refer a worker who is hired, and larger prices when the staff member has been with the company for a certain amount of time.
Not unlike gamification, a contest gives employers a large pool of potential hires to choose from and can bring out the most driven individuals. This is also an optimal PR tactic – as long as the competition is well publicized, it can draw a lot of positive attention toward a brand and also raise awareness. HR Morning recommended designing a contest that targets a particular skill demanded of the position to be fulfilled. As an added bonus, hires will already have a strong sense of the business’s mission and overall values from the competitive recruiting process.
[…] the workforce evolves, so too does the recruiting strategy that companies must implement to attract new talent. The fact is, the composition of the current […]
[…] With the talent war continuing to rage on, employers are having to continually develop strategies to enable them to compete effectively in the talent marketplace. But, winning the talent war does not just mean attracting talent, it is becoming increasingly linked to being able to retain top talent. […]
[…] but did you know that it’s also an ideal source for finding potential job candidates? As hiring top talent becomes increasingly competitive, more businesses are seeking out prospects on social sites. In […]