10 Benefits of Incorporating Classical Music Into Your Work Day
You have most likely heard there are several benefits of listening to classical music. Is there any truth behind this? Studies have shown that listening to classical music has both mental and physical benefits. From pain management to improved sleep quality, and stress levels. Listening to classical music as background noise throughout your workday can have a positive impact on your mood, creativity, and productivity.
Here are some ways Mozart and Vivaldi could help you become sharper, healthier, and even get a better night’s rest.
Decreases blood pressure
An Oxford University study has shown listening to classical music can help reduce individuals’ blood pressure. When conducting this study, researchers played participants various styles of music, including pop, techno, hip-hop and classical music. Results showed classical music was the most effective at lowering the participants’ blood pressure. The other variations of music actually raised their blood pressure. This is a simple way to help keep your heart healthy!
Boosts memory
Listening to Mozart can actually help improve your memory. According to a study by the Daily Mail, individuals that listened to Mozart’s music showed an increase in brain wave activity, which is linked directly to memory. If you ever need to memorize a speech or a presentation, have some Mozart playing in the background while you practice.
Sparks creativity
Need to get the creative juices flowing? Listen to some classical music. Now, listening to classical music might not make you immediately creative, but it will help move you into a more creative mindset. The next time you are brainstorming, listen to some Bach or Mozart to get your gears moving.
Reduces stress levels
Another study by the Daily Mail, found that pregnant women who listened to classical music were less likely to feel stressed out. Scientists claim the tempo of classical music is similar to the human heart, which eased depression and anxiety. If you are feeling particularly stressed, try to unwind while listening to some classical tunes.
Supercharges your brainpower
A French study found that students who tuned in to a lecture in which classical music was played as background music, scored higher on a test compared to other students that did not. If you have a project or exam coming up, try that out to help boost your brainpower.
Helps fight depression
A study in Mexico found that listening to classical music can help ease some symptoms of depression. Studies have shown that classical music does in fact help ease depression and melancholy. The next time you are feeling down, ditch the comfort food and opt for some classical music instead.
Improves sleep quality
When we are having trouble falling asleep, many of us are guilty of squeezing in another episode of a Netflix binge worthy series. A study shows people with sleep issues that listened to classical music for just 45 minutes prior to going to bed, had improved sleep quality. So instead of another episode of Game of Thrones or The Vanishing at The Cecil Hotel, put on some classical music while you get ready for bed.
Helps relieve pain
Researchers in London found that patients listening to classical music used significantly less pain medication. Many studies have shown listening to classical music can aid in relieving pain. The next time you are about to reach for another Advil, consider playing some Bach or Beethoven.
Makes you happy
A study showed that music can help put people in a better mood. Listening to classical music can help you get out of a bad mood. It increases dopamine secretion, which then activates the brain’s reward and pleasure center.
Improves productivity
Monday mornings can sometimes be such a drag. Implementing classical music into your day can help boost your productivity. A series of studies have proven that classical music can make repetitive tasks seem more enjoyable. A study by the University of Maryland found that Baroque classical music helped improve radiologists’ efficiency and accuracy.
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