Web-Based Training Software and Productivity Tools
Organizations, like people, love choice. Today, companies and users have more choice than ever before, especially when it comes to their productivity software and hardware. Much of the work that goes on in organizations today relies on the use of online tools like an online training software. Some of these are long-surviving standards of the digital workplace, others are new entrants. Regardless, the trend, away from software stored on desktops and towards web-based or cloud services is unmistakable. Even the latest incarnation of Microsoft’s industry-leading office suite has moved to the cloud under a new name: Office 365. What follows is a brief explanation of a few of these new web-based tools and their application in training and human resources.
You have more web-based options than ever before for creating and delivering exciting and engaging content. Along with Powerpoint 365 from Microsoft, the web-based presentation program Prezi offers users a unique way to create and share content. With an entirely web-based interface, Prezi presentations can be created anywhere you have internet access and look gorgeous on any browser or device. Best of all, they can be easily embedded in most learning management systems (LMSs). Prezi isn’t free. Instead, it offers a number of membership levels depending on user needs.
There are more learning management systems out there these days than ever before. All LMSs are technically web-based, but not all in the same way. Some require users to pay for and set up their own server, others are offered as services. Skyprep and other service model LMSs don’t require users to invest in expensive IT professionals or computer hardware. In contrast, programs like Moodle and Desire2Learn require dedicated servers and professionals to run them. Ultimately it will depend on your organizations needs as to which style of LMS better fits the bill.
Web Design
Web design used to be an entirely professional endeavor, too complicated for most average computer users to do very effectively. However, the growing presence of content management systems like Drupal and WordPress has made it possible for amateurs with basic computer skills to manage their website, or for the truly ambitious, build websites from scratch with relative ease.
Office Suites
Office suites have also moved online. Along with Office 365, users can also try out Google Docs. If you want to move away from the tech giants, options like Zoho or Worksy offer a similarly full-featured option. Some organizations have even turned open source software like OpenOffice or Libre Office into cloud based suites on their servers.
The growth of web-based productivity options means organizations have more options than ever to build the right mix to suit their unique need. In the end, the best choice will depend on the structure and composition of the organization. Whichever way it ends up going, what is abundantly clear is that there are more good choices now than ever before.
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