Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Leverage eLearning to Effectively Train Employees Remotely
With 169,362 Coronavirus cases reported so far, companies all over the world are facing significant losses in terms of finance, performance, as well as human capital.
Many offices are shutting down, and more and more employees are starting to work from home as a result. But does that mean you should halt your L&D initiatives? Of course not!
In this blog post, you’ll learn how eLearning strategies can help you train your employees and onboard new hires even in the face of this pandemic.
Why eLearning should be used to do training during the pandemic
As per the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, if the coronavirus continues to spread, it could cut the year’s global growth by half. This is how impactful coronavirus is for the business fraternity.
By adopting eLearning strategies, your employees can learn from the comfort of their homes. They don’t have to visit your office or any other place to access learning content. All you have to do is upload training material on your training platform that your employees can access from any location, at any time, and using any device.
As there’s no direct human interaction involved, your employees can continue learning with no fear of getting the virus.
Here’s what you can do with elearning strategies during the pandemic:
1. Transfer all your instructor-led training sessions into online webinars
With the webinar integrations that Learning Management Systems (LMS) offers, you are able to deliver all your instructor-led training (ILT) sessions online.
Webinar tools enable you to share your audio, slides, chat, video, and desktop with learners. Your employees can also engage in the sessions by participating in forums and asking questions from the instructor during online sessions.
This way, your employees can engage with yout training content, along with learning without physically attending the office.
2. Remain compliant via online courses during the pandemic
Depending on the nature of your industry, some businesses have to stay compliant with regulations all year long. But with halted business operations and unavailable employees, you can’t really keep your company continuously compliant for audits.
This is where eLearning strategies will come handy. You can use your online learning tool to continue training your employees on the latest industry standards and regulations. Plus, as modern online training tools support robust tracking and reporting in compliant-ready formats, you can generate reports to see who is compliant and who needs to complete training. You can also create electronic certificates to authenticate their learning.
This way, your employees will remain compliant even without physically attending the office.
Start transitioning from offline to online training with SkyPrep today!
3. Educate your employees on important workplace safety precautions with an online course
It’s natural for your employees to be anxious about the current situation due to coronavirus. Instead of letting them stay worried, why not educate them on necessary safety precautions to reduce health risks and to reassure them.
You can encourage them to use this time productively by focusing on essential pandemic precautions and measures through online courses. This way, they won’t be sitting idle at home, worrying about what will happen next.
Remember, the more they know about the outbreak, the better they’ll be equipped at handling it.
4. Onboard new hires virtually through online courses
Coronavirus has adversely affected the onboarding process of many companies. As a result, their new hires feel abandoned as they are unsure about what to expect from their new jobs.
By implementing eLearning strategies, you can facilitate your new hires to access training content virtually, such as Orientation, Company Culture and Mission, and Policies and Procedures. They do not have to visit the office to attend formal training. Plus, they don’t need any human instructor to guide them all along.
As a result, when they are ready to go back to the office, they will be up to speed and not delayed. This will also help you save time that you’ll otherwise have to spend on training them once they join the office.
Wrap Up
An outbreak like coronavirus doesn’t mean you should halt your onboarding and employee training initiatives.
Instead of sitting back with both hands tied, leverage eLearning technology to deliver remote, bite-sized training to current and new employees.
The best part about eLearning is that it is not only cost-effective and time-efficient, but is also 100% safe for you and your employees.
If would like to get more information on how to tranfer your training from offline to online, request a call with one of our eLearning specialist today!
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