Tools of Engagement: 5 Great HR Programs to Involve Employees
Ever since the Global Workforce Study reminded us that only one third of workers in North America are actually engaged with their work, the pressure has been on human resources departments to come up with ways to fix that problem.
Companies who once considered it was sufficient if people just showed up and performed their assigned tasks were shocked to find that lack of engagement was impacting their bottom line.
But what can the HR department, usually already understaffed and over-tasked, do to find ways to help employees feel incentivized and recognized.
Here are five great software programs that you can use to get started:
Honey– A key complaint of many employees is that they don’t feel kept in the loop of the bigger picture of the corporation, they don’t know what is happening or what the point of their project is. Honey, a wonderfully intuitive intranet program, can solve that by becoming the go-to place for employees who want to really know what is going on and chat about it with their colleagues and managers.
It allows for content posting and sharing, event calendar sharing, media streaming, content downloading, people directories and great team conversations. It supports workflow for employees and generally moves your internal communications into the modern age.
BetterWorks– With its ability to focus on accomplishing goals and facilitate continuous coaching and feedback conversations, this program is designed to foster innovation and superb team-work while giving you great insights into how the work gets done in your organization.
Overall, it’s just a great way to manage employee performance and 72% of its users reports higher employee engagement. It’s all about setting goals and meeting them and is absed on a platform called Goal Science IO.
Bonusly– Bonusly works by allowing employers and managers to have a simple to use peer to peer system to reward and recognize outstanding work by team members. These peer bonuses have been found to increase employee engagement and morale as well as heighten productivity and create happier teams.
It integrates seamlessly with other HR communication tools and allows you to easily share your company’s strengths and accomplishments to keep everyone on the same page.
Degreed– This is a great tool that allows your HR department to track and measure all the learning programs you operate for your employees and to ensure that every employee gets the learning resources they need at precisely the right time. For millennial workers in particular, the opportunity for continual learning is a key component of a happy and engaged work life.
BoostHQ– This is a great tool that allows every employee to share their expertise with one another. This web and mobile app is perfect for sharing links, files and thoughts on topics that matter. BoostHQ not only helps enhance employee productivity but also increases engagement with real-time discussions on content. Everything is then indexed and can be easily referenced at any time.
For more information on programs that increase employee engagement and involvement, contact SkyPrep today!
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