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5 Ways to Make eLearning More Engaging 

By Alicia Behar
Published on July 6, 2022

Here is a list of instructional strategies that when implemented into your eLearning program, will make online learning more fun and engaging for your employees. 

1. Character Storytelling

When written well, stories have the power to introduce emotion and provide the right context for the point you want to make. Creating characters in your story will bring stories to life and draw a connection from the scenarios, to its relevance in your organization. Stories also have the ability to provoke curiosity and deep thinking. A great example of this is by presenting a work-related scenario and asking your learners to solve the problem. It allows them to make decisions and figure out how to deal with any challenges that may arise from their initial choice. This creative approach adds a realistic feel and gives learners the opportunity to share their own personal judgment based on the situation at hand. 

2. Learning Paths

Learning paths allow learners to have different learning experiences. It takes them on a personalized journey of content that is relevant to their current role and experience. Within your LMS, you can group learners based on their assessments or roles and put them on a learning path that is best suited for their learning needs. 

3. Performance Scores

Attaching a score to each eLearning module or subsection will give your learners the opportunity to receive personalized feedback and tips. This will also make their learning experience more impactful and enlightening. Additionally, course creators will be able to determine the areas that require more training reinforcement or improvement. 

4. Gamification

Gamification is a great strategy to enhance the eLearning experience. By applying elements such as points, leaderboards and badges- learners will feel motivated and engaged. Gamification elements in your online training program will create a sense of thrill, similar to when you are playing your favourite video game-while simultaneously generating interest and creating healthy competition amongst your learners.

5. Rich Media and Imagery

Rich media consists of elements such as animation, sound clips, vibrant images and video. This is a great tool to use in your eLearning course, especially when content is more on the complex side. A mix of different types of media will cater to various learning styles. It generates interest and eliminates content feeling monotonous and boring. 

Try taking these approaches in your next eLearning program, to help you create an impactful and engaging training program.

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