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SkyPrep Tips: Setting Course Prerequisites

By Sep Barkhodaee
Published on September 25, 2012

At SkyPrep, we make it our duty to ensure our users are taking advantage of everything this training platform has to offer. Part of that is shedding light on features that may occasionally go unnoticed beneath SkyPrep’s pile of other awesome features. So let’s briefly discuss Course Prerequisites.


Course Prerequisites

If you’re a business or an educator, and are putting learners through multiple courses, sometimes you have a specific order you want your employees or students to complete these courses in. SkyPrep allows you to enroll a user into any course you want, but restrict access to a course until the user has completed all prerequisite courses first.

Once a user finishes all pre-reqs they will be able to commence the following course. Just follow these simple steps to set course prerequisites.

  • Go to your Course Manager
  • Select a course
  • Click the Prerequisites tab
  • Pick a course (or multiple courses) to set as a pre-req to your selected course

Simple. Easy. Intuitive. Useful! So now you can enroll a user into “Intro to Cooking”, “Advanced Cooking”, and “Expert Cooking” all at once, but make it so that they can only start “Advanced” once they finish “Intro”, and start “Expert” when they’re done with “Advanced”.


CAUTION: Prerequisite Loops

One thing you should be careful of is setting up prerequisite loops. For example, don’t make

  • “Intro” a pre-req to “Advanced” AND “Advanced” a pre-req to “Intro”
  • “Intro” a pre-req to “Advanced” AND “Advanced” a pre-req to “Expert” AND “Expert” a pre-req to “Intro”.


This will make it impossible for your users to start any of the pre-req’d courses. Keep in mind though, you can always override the prerequisites to a course for a specific user if you want to make an exception. Just go to their course scores and set “Allow User to Skip Prerequisites” to Yes.


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